More Images from The Rock and Roll Express

Ricky with a fan at an autograph signing (actually the fan was Wanda but she made me remove her from the pic..Some mumbling about 80's hair and make up. LOL The funny thing about this particular autograph signing is that each of us took pictures with our faves. Wanda with Robert, Me with Terry and Cyndi with Ricky, however due to circumstances we have YET to figure out, Those pictures didnt come out. The ones that did come out are of us with someone other than the one we adored. Who knows. Maybe it was the fact that Mr Gibson turned 10 shades of red when Wanda put her hand on his butt at said autograph signing LOL)

The Rock and Roll Express With Bill Dundee

Well we'll say farewell and hope you enjoy our tribute to Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson The Rock and Roll Express. They were the most exciting tag team I had ever seen. Even though my obsession days with Robert Gibson are long over, I love to remember those days. You alwasy knew when the R'N'R were wrestling you would get their best. E-Mail us and share your Rock and Roll Memories!

Dont Forget, for More Pics of Ricky and Robert, Check out:

Remembering Yesterday


All photos ©

Ladies Love Wrestling Too!

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